How an Amusement Machine Makes Your Event or Promotion More Engaging | Leisurematic

Are you hosting a corporate event or running a promotion that you’d like to make a little bit more fun? As important as events like trade shows, training seminars and exhibitions are they can sometimes be a little dry. The last thing you want are disengaged, uninterested attendees counting down the seconds until they can leave. As childish as it may sound at first, one way you can inject a bit of fun into proceedings is through the hire of a carefully-chosen amusement machine.

Whether you have a stand at a trade show or exhibition, or you’re running a training seminar for employees, providing a bit of entertainment will give people some much needed relief so they can better focus on the event’s main purpose.

Why should I hire an amusement machine for my event?

Networking at trade shows and the like is hard work, weaving in and out of stands making small talk to try and find other businesses relevant to your own can be exhausting without a break. If you hire an amusement machine for your stand, you offer event-goers something fun to do and make your business more memorable. You can even have amusement machines kitted out with your branding and stock them with branded prizes to really drive the message home.

Amusement machines are also good at engaging crowds at charity events. The money entered into the machines can be collected and donated to the charities being represented. This may make guests more likely to pledge more as they get the chance to win a prize or play a game in exchange for their money.

One amusement machine that Leisurematic has had great results with at corporate events is the iClaw crane grabber machine. In the past, Leisurematic has supplied the iClaw to events hosted by Fenwicks department store, Ugg, Tesco and more.

Why choose the iClaw claw machine for your event or promotion?

The iClaw is a versatile machine, equally at home in leisure centres and corporate settings. Everyone is familiar with crane grabber machines, so there’s no learning curve to put anyone off. People can just walk up to the machine and have a go without worrying about what to do.

Depending on what you want to offer people, the iClaw has different settings which change user experience dramatically. It can be set to ‘free play’ so people can have a go without spending any money, which is ideal if you want one to attract people to your stand at an exhibition. On default settings, you can collect the money put into the machine to make a profit or donate to charity.

iClaw crane grabber machines can also be set to ‘prize every time’. So, if you’re keen for people to take away your branded prize, you can make sure they do. Alternatively, by having the machine on the default setting, you make things a challenge for players. This could be used to create competition and get more people participating to further increase brand awareness and engagement at events.

To tie in with your marketing efforts iClaws can be made up with your branding and even be filled with branded prizes. By giving people the chance to win a prize and have a bit of fun, you make your brand stick in the minds of event attendees and create a positive association. Word will quickly spread of the stand with the arcade claw machine and people will flock.

In the past, our customers have filled iClaws with capsules containing discounts as well as actual products to better engage their own customers. This means hiring an iClaw for your event or promotion offers a wide range of possibilities. Sounds almost overwhelming doesn’t it? Not to worry, if you’re stuck on deciding how to best use your iClaw machine, our knowledge and experience allow us to advise you on the most effective settings and prizes for your situation.

To further bolster your marketing, iClaws come with a built-in video screen where you can display promotional videos.

Interested in seeing how an iClaw arcade crane grabber or other amusement machine could improve your project? Get in touch with Leisurematic today and we’ll be more than happy to give you more information. Give us a call on +44 (0) 1228 595 071 to speak to someone sooner.


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