Mr Bus Has Arrived at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital

The security of Mr Bus raising money for the charity will help them to think bigger and set their sights on offering patients and their families the services they hoped to. So that you know why the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital deserve and need this, we are going to tell you a little bit more about what the charity is involved with and what the money will be spent on.

The Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital has been around since June 2009. It has state of the art facilities which are designed specifically for young patients. They are the main bone marrow transplant centre outside of London and have the biggest paediatric burns and paediatric intensive care centres in the country. The charity enables the hospital to provide care and support above and beyond what they would have been able to provide on just their NHS budget. The money raised is also used to buy the most up to date equipment, enabling the hospital to offer faster and more accurate diagnosis and treatment for young patients.

Unfortunately, like most charities, they just don’t have the money to invest in every part of the hospital, and while the money goes to the departments that need it most, we want to help to raise more money to help more patients.

So, with your help, we want to get Mr Bus out there and raise some good money for a well-deserved cause. You can find him on Facebook and Twitter, so when you have a ride, tweet us a picture and remember to use #mrbus.

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