Leisurematic gives Carlisle Youth Zone a ‘bunch of fives!’

A right good bunch of fives too….

In the form of The Lake District Wildlife Park – Fusion Trampoline Park – Rookies Soft Play –  Aztec Soft Play even our fantastic website developers Golden Minute Limited jumped on board too!

These AMAZING leisure attraction businesses are some of our children’s ride & arcade machine customer partners in Cumbria and have generously offered to become part of a collective CYZ Bronze Patron family in conjunction with Leisurematic…how about that for investing and putting something back into the young people of Cumbria?

Having formed this collective partnership, these fantastic mutual benefits now come into play:

  • Acknowledgement and public thanks on our website, social media and CYZ patron wall.
  • Opportunities to promote what’s going on in their respective business to over 5000 local families.
  • Becoming part of a much wider network of over 100 local businesses who want to make young people’s lives better.

As more businesses join LeizureZone, there will be even greater benefis and MORE opportunities – such as PR campaigns which promote healthy activities to do outside of school.


So now you know…

We don’t just supply – refurbish – repair and hire kiddie rides & arcade amusement machines out on income share rental to leisure attractions throughout the UK – we can now even align our customer partners online, making sure that they don’t miss a single trick and can keep right up to date with all the latest goings on in the leisure attraction, coin operated ride and amusement arcade machine industry…

So what now?…

Keep an eye out for our regular blogs on here and on Social Media and we’ll keep you posted about everything in our world…and Lenny Leisures too!!

Or better still, become a collective Leisurematic Youth Zone Patron by using our website contact form on here – And then we can give CYZ another good ‘bunch of fives’ ASAP!

Thanks for reading – see you all again soon!