Everyone at Leisurematic is Beavering Away in Preparation for the Summer

As always, it’s a particularly busy time for us here at Leisurematic. The forthcoming summer season means that our engineers and technical staff are working flat out to carry out ADIPs safety checks on customers kiddie rides, this is normally throughout the whole of the UK, so it takes lots of organising, in preparation for the season, which typically starts in earnest at Easter.

Mr Bus, as always is doing really well on our operating sites and customer feedback is exceptional, with regard to cash box revenue, reliability and play appeal…….you too can get a piece of the action, just contact us and we will organise one for you, either on revenue share, (no cost to you whatsoever, we just require a share of the takings), or to purchase outright, (no explanation needed here!).

We always  have second hand machines available, (kiddie ride and amusement), all competitively priced and supplied with warranty and full ADIPS safety certificate…..we work on the principle, “if we haven’t got it, we can normally get it!”

We are starting to blog regularly, so please keep checking in to get the latest news from Leisurematic.

Warm regards,

from Team Leisurematic.

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