Why You Must Get A Penny Press Souvenir Machine…
Penny Press Souvenir Machines are a MUST HAVE for any family leisure visitor attraction…
Visitors love turning the big Penny Press Machine steering wheel round and round while gazing in amazement through the front clear perspex…
They are mesmerised as their penny gets squashed and stretched between the rotating cogs…
They watch intently as their penny slowly emerges from the other side of the cogs…
Their penny is now a stretched oblong shape, much flatter and shinier and their selected design is now etched onto one side of it…
The pressed penny dramatically drops down the shiny chrome chute at the front of the machine for them collect…
Visitors love taking their penny press designs home with them, as a souvenir to show family and friends.
They now have a permanent reminder of the amazing time they had at ‘the place with the Penny Press Machine’…..YOUR place!